Your in-game names and ID numbers for Main, Ascended and NG multi (if you have one.)
WhiteWalkers ID main: 1995832, ID ascended: 12341
NightWolfs ID main: 1998350
Your Discord @name#.
whitewalkerwolfy (Wolfy)
Your Timezone and Country and home City
GMT+3 Ukraine, Zelena
GMT+3 Moldova, Chișinău
List ALL past Alliance(s) in chronological order, if any.
Besaid Island
Reason for leaving your last Alliance, (if applicable.)
I got invitation from Takoda, alliance went dead after couple months.mcdeadly helped me to find a working alliance. Before Beside Island I played alone all time.
Why do you want to join the TF Family?
To be in a comunity and learn the game from somebody who know how to play.
List any previous ingame names.
old main account name was NightWolfs
Your current Ascension Level / (Covert/Anti-Covert) levels / RAW UP and are you still Ascending? Same for your NGmulti account, if applicable.
Ascending with main account. Now level 14
NGmulti is Origin of Existence (20) not ascended
(Covert/Anti-Covert) levels 35/35
Unit Production 512,035 /day (1,573,675 total)
Any current TÅ/TÅÅE/TÅTS/TL/TF Alliance Members than can recommend you?
DeathIncarnator is guiding me with the game.
And last, but not least, is there anything else that you think of that we should know about you?
Registered on June 2015, during the uni played for fun, playing more since the covid lockdown when the work is letting me to play.
Glory and Reputation Score
(gained > rank 324) 1 990
tomorrow ascend